Story House Early Learning has announced that 'Celebration' has officially been added as one of our values because celebrating success, having fun, being a team player and showing genuine positivity are all part of our DNA.
Story House celebrates its success from the small wins to more significant achievements across the business. From shout-outs in our newsletter to our annual Service Awards and celebrations with families, Story House teams regularly celebrate because we recognise hard work, it strengthens our team, reinforces our values and above all, it’s just plain fun!
Recently, Service Manager, Sarah Dewhurst from Oak on Erin Street in Toowoomba celebrated winning the monthly Values Award which is nominated and presented by our management team. Our Oak on South team in Toowoomba celebrated the achievement of a goal they had set for themselves with a delicious ice-cream sundae bar. And, the team at Story House Tarneit in Victoria, celebrated the conclusion of the Festival of Families with the major prize draw of a $15,000 Education Grant presented to the Marjanovic family.
We can’t wait to continue celebrating all the wonderful things happening to our coworkers, our service teams and our children and families.
You too could be celebrating by joining a Story House service. View all our current opportunities here:
#celebration #valuesmatter #storyhouseearlylearning #success #team