Our commitment to child safety

Story House Early Learning is dedicated and committed to safeguarding children.
One of our organisation values is safety, this aligns with our commitment to the Child Safe Standards, which accentuates our zero tolerance for child abuse and raising awareness about the importance of child safety in our services and the community. We abide by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and have confidence in educating children about their right to be safe.
We are dedicated to protecting children from abuse and neglect and promote an environment that focuses on maintaining children’s safety and wellbeing. We adhere to our comprehensive Child Protection and Child Safe Organisation Policies, standing by our mandatory reporting responsibilities to protect children from physical, sexual, emotional, psychological abuse and neglect.
Respect is another core value of our organisation, our organisation is dedicated to promoting cultural safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, families from linguistically diverse backgrounds, and providing a safe environment for children with a disability. This is embedded in our commitment to valuing diversity by always upholding the rights and dignity of our community members as we do not tolerate any discriminatory practices.
As CEO, I can assure you our comprehensive orientation and professional learning programs and our dedicated educators live and breathe our values everyday which is fundamental when safeguarding children.
Knowing Safe
Shared knowledge keeps children safe
Feeling Safe
Nurturing and trusting relationships are the key for all children to feel safe.
Being Safe
Understanding and enacting personal safety.
Our commitment to child safety
Story House Early Learning is committed to child safety.
We want children to be safe, happy and empowered.
We support and respect all children, as well as our staff and volunteers.
We are committed to the safety, participation and empowerment of all children.
We have zero tolerance of child abuse, and all allegations and safety concerns will be treated very seriously and consistently with our robust policies and procedures.
We have legal and moral obligations to contact authorities when we are worried about a child’s safety, which we follow rigorously.
Story House Early Learning is committed to preventing child abuse and identifying risks early, and removing and reducing these risks.
Story House Early Learning has robust human resources and recruitment practices to reduce the risk of child abuse by new and existing management, staff and volunteers.
Story House Early Learning is committed to regularly training and educating our management, staff and volunteers on child abuse risks.
We are committed to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, the cultural safety of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability.
We have specific policies and procedures in place that support our management, staff and volunteers to achieve these commitments.
Story House Early Learning is committed to child safety, maintaining zero tolerance for abuse, neglect, or harm. (S2) We maintain a safe, secure welcoming environment by upholding the following:
- We prioritize the safety, participation, and empowerment of all children. (S2, S3)
- We expect that all staff, volunteers, contractors, families, and community members demonstrate respect towards each child and one another. (S1, S4)
- Allegations of abuse, neglect, or harm, as well as complaints or safety concerns, are promptly, seriously, and consistently addressed, adhering to our legal and moral obligations to report to authorities. (S7)
- We actively work to prevent child abuse, neglect, and harm through early identification of indicators and reduction of risk through regular review and amendment of policies, procedures, and physical and online environments. (S2, S9, S10)
- We have robust human resources and recruitment practices to reduce the risk of child abuse from both new and existing management, staff, volunteers and contractors. (S6)
- Regular training and education on child abuse indicators, risks, prevention, and reporting are provided for our management, staff, volunteers, and families. We encourage families and communities to promote child safety and wellbeing. (S4, S6, S8)
- We are dedicated to the cultural safety and inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, as well as children from other culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds. (S1, S5)
- We provide a safe and inclusive environment for children with diverse needs and disabilities. (S1, S5)
- We support children and families from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and circumstances, ensuring equal access and opportunities for all. (S1, S5)
- Specific policies and procedures guide our management, staff, volunteers and contractors in fulfilling these commitments. (S11)