Kids House Southport visits Marana Gardens Aged Care

Child drawing with an elderly lady during a Southport Seniors visit

Today our Kindergarten class excitedly hopped onto our bus with Mr Cliffy our driver for our monthly Intergenerational Connection Program to Marana Gardens Aged Care Facility.

Every part of our visit brought on opportunities to learn, even the bus ride there and back. We learnt about safety, noticed the environment on each side of the way and observed others in our community.

On arrival we were greeted by familiar faces of the friends we had made over our past visits.

We brought along a repertoire of songs and dances to perform for our friends at Marana Gardens. The residents cherish spending quality time with our children, and the bond between the two aged groups could be more beneficial than we realise. They all had smiles and warm cuddles for our class, introducing themselves and sharing in play.

We watched the children and residents together in play, laughing and being active. We introduced a ball game with them which bought so much energy within the space and lots of smiles and laughing.

As the residents had sung a beautiful rendition of “Que Sera Sera” for us on our previous visits, we learnt to sing this song during TUNEFUL TUESDAYs with Ms Steph. It was a beautiful connection to share in this moment.

Before we left, the residents at Marana Gardens gifted all our children a beautiful thank you for us to bring back along with the wonderful friendships of music, time, smiles and laughter.

The joy of our journey with intergenerational connections and mutual learning is key to the understanding that old and young can bring new energy, knowledge, and enthusiasm to each other’s lives. We can’t wait for our next visit in April!

Let their learning story start with us.

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