Imagine Childcare Diamond Creek is now Story House Early Learning

Imagine Childcare Diamond Creek is now Story House Early Learning

Effectively immediately, Imagine Childcare and Kindergarten Diamond Creek will begin to operate as Story House Early Learning Diamond Creek.

The rebranding of the Imagine Diamond Creek child care centre completes a process that began in November 2019, when Imagine Diamond Creek joined the Story House family.

A new name does not mean a change to the service. Imagine Diamond Creek has been providing an excellent service for the Diamond Creek community, and under the Story House brand we aim to maintain the same level of passion and dedication you’ve come to expect.

Our families will receive the same service from the same educators, but now benefit from additional investment in facilities and educational programs.  Story House Early Learning is strongly committed to the Diamond Creek community to provide high quality day care and kindergarten service.

Click here us to find out more about Story House Early Learning Diamond Creek.

Let their learning story start with us.

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